The OBIC team specializes exclusively in NFT artworks and actions using blockchain technology within the ALFABETO OBIC event. In this phase, we are creating the first original artworks designed to be distributed not only on major marketplaces but also in other contexts. Our digital crew actively integrates this service with advisory consultations for visual art, thus combining the latest innovation with a sensitive adaptation to our hypercreative habitat.

Our distinctive approach focuses not only on creating revolutionary NFT artworks but also on providing in-depth consultancy for visual artists. This synergy of expertise enables us to offer a comprehensive service that goes beyond the mere production of digital artworks. OBIC aims to be a catalyst for innovation in the realm of digital art, creating meaningful connections between artists, collectors, and enthusiasts.

Through blockchain technology, we ensure transparency and security in transactions related to NFT artworks, offering a reliable environment for interaction in the digital market. Our commitment is to redefine the paradigms of digital art, allowing artists to express their creativity in an authentic and revolutionary manner.

With ALFABETO OBIC, we are heading towards a new era where blockchain and NFTs merge with visual art, giving rise to a digital artistic landscape full of opportunities and possibilities. Our vision is to lead this transformation by combining cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of the needs and desires of contemporary artists. We are ready to shape the future of digital art and create an environment where artists can express their creativity in an authentic and innovative way.

1.23 ETH
OBIC for
Matteo Basilè, Cream of Milk
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Christiane Lohr, Salad au gratin
1.23 ETH
OBIC for
Luigi Ontani, Caviar in silver spoon.
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Pietro Pizzi Cinnamon, Strawberry Jam
0.55 ETH
OBIC for
Franco Lo Svizzero, Stewed Rabbit
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Cecilia Luci, Vanilla milk cream and caramels
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Veronica Montanino, Soaked Pineapple
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Francesco Irnem, Algae at a Glance
1.23 ETH
OBIC for
Ian Devenport, Cream Di latte ice cream.
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Barry Mcgee, Foie gras burgers and caramelized onions
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Giulio Iacchetti, Caramel Apple
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Adrian Tranquilli, Marzipan
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Antonio Marras, Pumpkin Parmigiana
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Giovanni Albanese, Recycled Panettone
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Ria Lussi, Chantilly Cream and Caramel
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Li Xiangyang, Stewed Meatballs
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Marianna Masciolini, Chickpea and Octopus Soup
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Cristiano Pintaldi, Ratatouille of sautéed vegetables au gratin sour
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Paolo Ulian, Ravioli primo sale and lemon confit
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Paolo Canevari, Sugar Paste
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Giulio Marchetti, Light eggplant parmigiana without the use of baking
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Mario Ricci, Pink Chocolate Flake
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Maurizio Savinio, Pink dumpling with crispy bacon cheeks
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
H H Lim, Salmon in herb-scented bread crust.
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Marc Quinn, Redfish with tomatoes
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Alberto Di Fabio, Spinach risotto and fried brains
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Mat Collishaw, Coda alla vaccinara
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Afro, Stewed Tongue
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Salvatore Emblema, Salted Vegetables
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Alberto Savinio, Fruit sauce and red wine
1.23 ETH
OBIC for
Maria Lai, Durum wheat egg pasta
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Chiharu Shiota, Crispy cottage cheese balls
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Renato Mambor, Flaky Bread
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Robert Gligorov, Egg pochet cheek and cream of milk
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Fabio Quaranta, Light fat clarified broth
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Sol Lewitt, Potato Flan
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Pablo Eucharren, Mushroom cooked water.
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Marco Ferreri, Baked Lamb Chops
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Pino Pascali, Sautéed eggplant on swordfish
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Nicola Pucci, Apple Galletto
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Shozo Shimamoto, Sughi
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Vincenzo Pennacchi, Pizza
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Chef Luciano Monosilio, Fettuccine with 2 colors
0.33 ETH
OBIC for
Alexander Calder, Classic French Meringue
0.55 ETH
OBIC for
Danilo Bucchi, Profiterol with strawberry coulis cold or hot
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Vincenzo Marsiglia, Cold Room Water
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Roberto Giacomucci, Fettuccine with two colors.
1.23 ETH
OBIC for
Antonio Burri, Calf Belly
0.58 ETH
OBIC for
Patricia Urquiola, Spiced Chocolates.
0.55 ETH
OBIC for
Emanuele Giannelli, Butter Cookies
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Simone Bergantini, Vegetable Aspic
0.91 ETH
OBIC for
Leoncillo, Rosehip Roe Deer